We took the liberty of answering all your burning questions. If you still are confused, contact us!
Where is the wedding?
It's in Abilene, TX. Refer to our handy-dandy Location page for the address!
What should I wear?
Be casual and comfortable! The bridesmaids are wearing sundresses and the groomsmen are wearing jeans, so go from there.
Is there a hotel block?
No, but the families of the bride and groom are staying in the same hotel. See the Location page for details!
Will there be alcohol?
No, and please don't bring any, or you'll cost the bride and groom an awful lot of money in fines. Don't worry, the wedding will get out early enough for you to go and party afterwards.
How can I send you mail?
Our mailing address is:
1117 N Garden St
Apt 202
Bellingham, WA 98225
Can I bring a present?
Please remember that the bride and groom are moving to Bellingham, WA a week after the wedding. Use your best judgement. (This is why there's only an Amazon registry.) If you'd like to mail us something, see above!
Is it okay to bring a +1?
You might want to contact the bride and groom about this one, but if it's your significant other, they'll probably say yes!
Are cameras and phones ok?
Only during the reception! The bride and groom have carefully selected an extraordinary media team who will capture every moment of the ceremony. They want to see your faces, not your phones, so please put them away during the ceremony!

Post all your reception pictures using the hashtag #rutherfordromance18 so we can find them later!
Do you have a hashtag?
Yes, #rutherfordromance18! Please use it for all of your reception pictures.
Should I fill out the RSVP?
Yes, please! Even if:
  • you can't come
  • we know you'e coming
  • you've answered via Facebook
we still need your RSVP! Thanks for helping us out.
Can I watch online?
Yes, we will have a livestream set up on youtube.
Click here to watch, we'll go live at 2:15 PM CST, June 9th.